自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆不倶戴天思想病は、性悪説ウイルスの感染により発症する。Irreconcilable thought disease is caused by infection with Fundamentally evil virus.〔二元論性悪説・廃棄物(=有害無益)・洪水(=性悪説)・トラウマ思想病・二元論症候群・黒幕・唯一の神=絶対創造神・架空の神・ユダヤ司祭・生産活動・三元論習合ウイルス免疫体〕
By the way, I will describe what I came up with while writing the Trauma thought disease/dual syndrome series.
The Bible writer mentioned here refers to Wire-puller(= Jewish priest, Prophet, Priest), including the Gospels.
I think Wire-puller is still closely associated with the Christian Church.

Most of the claims made in the dualism Bible story are that it is "not the common truth".
That is to say that the truth is the opposite.
For example, it means that "the only God (= God of absolute creation)" does not exist in reality.
God is actually Wire-puller. Wire-puller created the fictional God to authorize themselves.
Because, it is their trap that was set up to make Wire-puller (= Wire-puller in a close relationship with the human being) absolutely visible.
In order to justify the Bible story, God had to play a leading role.

Now, as you can see, the Bible story is said to have been put together by Wire-puller (= Jewish priest and Bible writer).
Historically, Jewish priests were by far the most talented. They have studied harder than people.
And they have inherited those strengths genetically.
As a result, they unknowingly brag about this. They became arrogant. They wanted to authorize this. This is God of Wire-puller.
The reason why Wire-puller "digged a grave" in a Bible story was because they were actually sweating and not actually involved in production.

It is said that there are many so-called supplementary books (= Gospel, Torah, Talmud) in Bible stories.
It is to try to supplement the side-reader about things that people cannot interpret in the Bible story alone (= conflicting matters).
Wire-puller is in charge of the side-reader. Without Wire-puller, we can't discuss the existence and interpretation of side-readers.
That is, the Bible story incorporates a scenario in which Wire-puller plays the most important role.

As described above, the Irreconcilable thought disease caused by the dualistic fundamentally evil virus must be eradicated by the GCZ Trialism virus immunity.
 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDは、その任務を負っています。
We at GCZ ONE WORLD have that task.

By the way, records about the onset of disease remain.
But, after healing, it's about forgetting, like the blunder of childhood. I want you to forget it.
I would like you to overlook it as an event in the "time of stillness. I want you to forget it.
In other words, after treatment (after the atonement for crime, and after a while), the aftereffects will heal. Forget it.
In the meantime, I think that we will reach a sense of reality (placebo effect = awareness of natural healing power).
Therefore, I would like to ask each person to make courageous decisions on their own in the cure (overcoming) of Trauma thought disease.

Human beings,
Even while fighting illness,
“= Even if you are suffering from dualism syndrome”
“= Even if you are suffering from dual standard disease”
「=黒幕 Wire-puller病罹病中であっても」
"= Even if you are under the influence of Wire-puller disease"

"It's time to see the dawn"
"When time to see this Web page"
"When time to know about Placebo effect (= natural healing power)"
will come.

At that time, be courageous and embody the GCZ Trialism.
We promise a certain effect.
 よって、私達は、このようにGCZ ONE WORLDを提唱しているのです。(・_・)
Therefore, we advocate GCZ ONE WORLD like this.

 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDは、「世界中に蔓延しつつある二元論症候群を封じ込めるための命題を背負っています。(・_・)
We at GCZ ONE WORLD say, "We carry a proposition to contain the dualism syndrome that is spreading all over the world.

This is because a person with Dual theory syndrome is housed like a sheep on a ranch, driven to the exit (= slaughterhouse = cave of darkness), and mutated to double standard humans.
No such non-human treatment should be taken.

 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDは、心を一つにして、ヒツジ牧場主の牧師(=教会=黒幕)による洗脳キャンペーンを断乎阻止しなければなりません。
We, the GCZ ONE WORLD, must unite ourminds and prevent the brainwashing campaign by the pastor of the sheep farmer (= church = Wire-puller).

▼二元論症候群 Dualism syndrome(兼後遺症 cumulative sequelae)
【2】二元論聖書物語病(=ユダヤ思想病・共産主義病・過去否定病)Dualism Bible story disease (= Jewish thought disease, communist disease, past denial disease)
【3】二重基準(嘘つき・デマ屋・詐欺師・ずるい・Spy)病 Double standard disease (liar, hoax, scammer, cheat, Spy)
【4】黒幕病 Wire-puller disease
【5】不倶戴天思想病 Irreconcilable thought disease
【6】西洋思想病(=リベラル病)Western thought disease (= Liberal disease)
【7】プロテスト病(=何でも反対病)Protest disease (= Disease of 'anything against')
【8】デュープス病 Dupes disease
〔第1稿 2020.06.06〕

◇参照 : 闇暗の洞窟で、一匹のホタルが、点滅しているのは、とても珍しい。It is very rare that one firefly flashes in a dark cave.〔闇暗の洞窟・新生闇暗の洞窟・静態期・行跡の忘却・黒烏語〕
◇参照 : トラウマ思想病からの解放 Liberation from Trauma thought disease.〔心身統一システム本能・静態期・現実覚二元論症候群・二元論聖書物語病・二重基準病・曙光〕
◇参照 : トラウマ思想病に冒されている二元論症候群 Dualism syndrome affected by Trauma thought disease.〔欧米諸国・倫理社会(=信用社会)・男尊女卑・自由・平等のスローンガン・未熟な民度〕
◇参照 : 洗脳キャンペーンとは?What is brainwashing campaign.
◇参照 : プラセボ効果の誤用について About misuse of placebo effect.〔統一システム〕
◇参照 : 心身統一システム本能について About mind and body unification system instinct.〔静態期〕
◇参照 : 代行天国と神について About agent service paradise and a god.〔代行出来ないモノ・感情・二大本能・現実覚・未来像 マイジグソーパズル〕
◇参照 : 強欲は、二元論症候群の後遺症だ。Greedy is a sequela of dualism syndrome.〔弱者(下劣)思想・武力第一主義・強欲人間後遺症・強欲泥船・強欲ダダコネ下劣未熟民度後遺症〕
◇参照 : 徳行社会は、武力を制圧する。A virtuous society controls force.〔未熟知能・徳行精神・知性(倫理)・性悪説〕
◇参照 : 個の神から共有の神へ From one God to a shared God.〔中性神・神は誰のモノか?〕
◇参照 : 黒幕病は黒烏ウイルス病だ。Wire-puller disease is a black crow virus disease.〔歴史海・三元論習合ウイルス免疫体・日本列島人・日本の心(日本教)〕
◇参照 : 二元論聖書物語
◇参照 : 二重基準
◇参照 : 黒幕
◇参照 : 不倶戴天思想
◇参照 : 西洋思想
◇参照 : プロテスト
◇参照 : デュープス
◇参照 : 自由・平等のスローガンは、馬鹿げた猿芝居だ。The slogan of freedom and equality is a silly monkey play.
◇参照 : GCZ LINK in RING 三元論の適用(実践研究)Application of trialism (practical research)

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