自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆ユダヤ人にも、過去はあった。Jews also have a past.〔過去の否定・用語の定義-奇想天外のフィクション〕
Jewish Religion Dualism The Bible religion (Jewish religion) is a so-called non-world religion (ethnic religion), so it is a religion that has a stingy self-oriented world view of only the person concerned.
It was the Christian religion, Islam, the communist, Frankfurt school (critic theory) that was born out of this as recombined universal world thought.
These thought religions, despite their versatility, cannot escape from the stingy self-oriented world view.
Because there is no desire to reform that doctrine (Bible religion, paradigm = norm).
 ですので、私達が提唱する GCZ ONE WORLD(利他指向世界観)⇒安寧(幸福感満足感)の議論には、未だ参画する程度までに成熟していません。
Therefore, we have not yet matured enough to participate in our discussion of GCZ ONE WORLD (altruistic orientation) → public peace (happiness and satisfaction).

By the way, any human can become a Jew if they believe in Judaism (Bible).
In this case, the person must deny the past.
Because Judaism does not need a pagan past.
The Bible holds a position of Fundamentally evil, the believer's past is naturally denied as "negative = evil".
That is why brainwashing as Mission you to completely deny the past.

So, did the original Jews (= Wire-puller, Bible writer, Jewish priest, prophet, clergy) have no past?
In fact, Wire-puller had a wonderful past.

A long time ago, the drought continued around the Mediterranean Sea, and Wire-puller (Jewish priest) was acting as a priest during the rain festival for The god of heaven.
By the way, when Wire-puller put together the Bible story, Wire-puller abandoned (forgotten) the glorious past, because the biblical narrative was so crazy that it was a fiction that was extraordinary.
And they seduced people by fiction, and turned them into Fundamentally evil humans.
Fundamentally evil humans have become Double standard (liar, hoax, scammer, sly, Spy) humans and are pervading all over the world.

付言 : Remarks
◇過去(過去の否定)に関するの認識改革について Recognition reform of the past (past denial).
◇用語の定義 : Definition of terms.

◆現実覚 : プラセボ効果(=自然治癒力)を自覚したとき When you realize the placebo effect (= natural healing power).
現実 : プラセボ効果=自然治癒力を実感したとき When you realize the placebo effect (= natural healing power).
◆自歴(=自分の経歴) Self-Career・自歴 : 自分の経歴 Personal history Self-Career
◆自今歴 Hereafter Hereafter-Career 自今歴(これからの自歴)Hereafter-Career=未来像 Future image, vision of the future
◆志士 : 現実覚になったヒト A human who realized the placebo effect (= natural healing power).
◆臨志士(りんしし)=臨士(りんし) : 志士を決意したヒト・志士を決意実行するヒト A human who has decided to become a public-spirited person. A human who actually decided to become a public-spirited person.

◇パラダイム=規範・慣習・法律 Paradigm = norms, customs, laws
◇黒幕=聖書記者・ユダヤ司祭・預言者・聖職者 Wire-puller = Bible writer, Jewish priest, prophet, clergy)
◇プラセボ効果=自然治癒力 : Placebo effect = natural healing power
◇負(ふ) negative
◇安寧(あんねい)(=幸福感満足感) public peace (= Happiness satisfaction)
◇二重基準人間(嘘つき・デマ屋・詐欺師・ずるい・Spy)Double standard (liar, hoax, scammer, sly, Spy) humans
◇静態期 : 夜間の就寝時など、食べたモノを消化し、心身を修復し、回復し、始動準備の時間 Static time = Time to digest what you ate, repair your body and mind, recover, and prepare for starting, such as when sleeping at night.
◇静態期 =ウラの時間・ 休止期間・再生準備期間 Static time = Wrong side(= non-right side), = pause period, reproduction preparation period
◇心身統一システム本能 : 成熟した人間になるためのシステム本能 System instinct to become a mature person.

As for the former criminal and carelessness in childhood, as the saying goes, "The rumor of humans is seventy-five days," they will be forgotten, but they will have a long history.
In this case, the period (time) of the crime and the memories of carelessness phase could be regarded as events during the static time.
In the case of the Jews, however, after a static time (= Bible story compilation period), let's consider it as a case being closed.
However, as for the "past = self-history" from the completion of the Bible story to the decision of the involuntary worker, the lingering effect has continued to affect the present self as of now, Will not be.
In the case of brainwashing in a dualistic Bible religion, there is a problem with such compulsion, without giving time.
 GCZ ONE WORLD では、このような場合は、臨志士としての振る舞いの熱心さが自身及び社会によって評価されることになります。
At GCZ ONE WORLD, in such cases, the enthusiasm of public-spirited person will be evaluated by itself and society.

◇参照 : 洗脳キャンペーンとは
◇参照 : 黒幕は、表舞台に現れるな。The mastermind should not appear on the front stage.
◇参照 : 何故聖書記者は、黒幕になったのか? Why did the Bible reporter become a mastermind.
◇参照 : はじめに言葉ありき In the beginning was the Word.〔ヨハネによる福音書・二重基準人間〕
◇参照 : 聖書宗教は、安寧の邪魔だ。Bible religion is for disturbing to public peace.〔不倶戴天思想〕
◇参照 : 三元論の適用(実践研究)幸福の実現



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