自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆【W】滑り台には、終点が無い。The slide has no end point.〔ユダヤ人の若者・嘆きの壁・ダブスタ・ギャンブル・デュープス戦士・麻薬・教会・滑り台・キリスト者・ネズミ講・テロ行為・理性が希薄・霊魂(=アイコンスターシステム)・GCZ三元論〕
<政治体制>Political system>〔GCZ〕
◇それぞれの言葉の説明については、For an explanation of each word, please see Viewing.マイ語録・キーワード 検索メニュー

〔散文詩_11〕Prose poetry_11.
I am a Jewish youth.
From childhood to the present, I have learned in detail about dualistic Bible stories.
I'm now standing in front of the Wailing Wall and muttering.
◇参照 : 【T】ダブスタの正体は、二元論聖書物語洗脳キャンペーンだ。The true identity of the double standard is the dualism Bible story brainwashing campaign.〔ユダヤ人の若者・嘆きの壁・ダブスタ(二重基準)人間・デュープス戦士・広義の黒幕・狭義の黒幕・強欲人間・不倶戴天思想人間・未来像ジグソーパズル・真正民主主義体制・キーワード・ハニトラ・ギャンブル、好奇心、探求心、冒険、ロマン、バンジージャンプ、ジェットコースター、強欲ネズミ講・トラウマ思想病

◇参照 : 【T】グローバリズムを論破する。【T】Refute globalism.〔二元論聖書物語・二重基準人間・暴力・無差別テロ・信奉者・害毒グローバリズム・ネズミ講・無限連鎖講・錬金術・強欲追求・親切心・正義感・ユダヤ司祭・過去の栄光・北方白人系ユダヤ人・牧師擬き・デュープス・ヒエラルキー・バウムクーヘン・盲目的・非論理非倫理・抜本的な改革〕
◇参照 : 【N】害毒グローバリズムの誘惑。The temptation of poisonous globalism.〔嘆きの壁・ユダヤ人の若者・天敵・太陽神・聖書の神・ユダヤ思想・破壊活動・無差別テロ・利他志向の世界観・デュープス戦士・グローバリズムネズミ講・疑似神・藁片真珠・盲信の神に忖度藁に忖度・つむじ型モグラねじ回しシステム〕
◇参照 : 【U】グローバリズムは、ネズミ講システムだ。【U】Globalism is a pyramid scheme system.〔強欲追求・無限連鎖講・マルチ商法・強欲追求配当・バウムクーヘン・下位の階層・世界宗教・思想指導者・思想の伝授者・信奉者の配下〕
◇参照 : 【U】新たな神概念の提唱について、私は思っている。 I am thinking about advocating a new concept of a god.〔ユダヤ人の若者・嘆きの壁・GCZ日本イムズ・アイコンスターシステム・象徴・プラセボ効果・自然治癒力・神概念システム・満天・先人霊星遺伝子〕

Double standard (= greed, non-justice) I think that the keywords that fall into humans are so-called honey trap, gambling ⇒ curiosity, quest, adventure, romanticism, bungee jumping, roller coaster, greedy pyramid scheme, etc. ..

Gamblers like to slip.
Double standards also like to slip.
Wire-puller also likes to slip.
Dupes warriors are always slipping.
The drug is like ski wax.
Gambling is like ski wax.
There is a slide in the church.
Because Christians are slipping their mouths.
The pyramid scheme is a comfortable slide.
The pyramid scheme has no end points.
Humans become greedy when they slip.
Humans fall into poisonous globalism when they become greedy.
Humans want to slip when their reason is weak.
Brute also wants to slip.
Gambling is a pyramid scheme.
The church is also a pyramid scheme.
The slide is also a pyramid scheme.
The act of terrorism is also a slide.
Terrorism is also a pyramid scheme.
The pyramid scheme is hard to stop.
The pyramid scheme is not unstoppable.
The pyramid scheme can be stopped if you want to.
Brute can stop being Brute.
Humans can become Brute when their reason is diminished.
When reason becomes weak (= death), human beings become = soul (= icon star system). ⇒There is no end point.
Humans want to embody the GCZ trialism when reason is weakened. ⇒ Complete.

This is not good because Bible stories (brainwashing campaigns) create double standard humans.
This is not good because the double standard paralyzes human reason.
The placebo effect = natural healing power has the function of converting a double standard human being, so I would like to recommend it.
This is not good because double standards destroy public order and morals.
This is not good because a non-public order and moral society confuses society and makes people unhappy.
★混乱社会からは、 真正民主主義体制が形成されないので、これは良くない。
This is not good because a genuine democratic system is not formed from a confused society.
This is not good because the double standard leads to poisonous globalism.
This is not good because poisonous globalism leads to a non-public order and moral society.
This is not good because the Fundamentally evil society makes terrorism routine.
This is not good, as sliding on a slide makes humans negligent.

★ヒトは皆安易に頼る癖がある 勤労思想我の心得
All humans have a habit of relying easily. Working thought is my knowledge.
★滑り止め必ず付けよ怠慢心 理性の先に幸福がある
Be sure to attach a non-slip. Laziness. There is happiness on the other side of reason.
★三元論心回路GCZ 幸福感満足感世界は一つ
Trialism, the circuit of the mind is GCZ. Happiness and satisfaction, one world.


〔【X】次頁へ続く〕Continue to next page.

 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDの政治体制は「大気ネットワークシステム」を基軸にして、真正民主主義体制を展開しています。
The political system of us GCZ ONE WORLD is developing a genuine democratic system based on the "atmospheric network system".
〔第2稿 2020.11.18〕

◇参照 : 【T】【U】〜グローバリズム……
◇参照 : T〜] 人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ

◇参照 : T人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ TGCZ Trialism Series that nurtures life.〔二元論聖書物語思想・悪弊(害毒)・過去の粗相・性善説人間・現実覚・二足歩行・支配者層・大気ネットワークシステム・上から目線・統率者・心身統一システム本能〕
◇参照 : じゃんけんぽん三元論プラチナ理論 Jankenpon Trialism Platinum theory.〔世界総合圏構想・抜本的な改廃・聖書物語関連思想・GCZ ONE WORLD〕
◇参照 : GCZ政治体制は、大気ネットワークを趣旨とする。GCZ political system aims at the atmospheric network.〔神経系ネットワーク・血管ネットワーク・大気密度・支配階級・政府機関・公僕・民主主義〕

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