自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆【S】レイシストの正体は、ユダヤ人の存在をアピールする思想だ。The true identity of racists is an idea that appeals to the existence of Jews.〔ユダヤ人の若者・幼少の頃・嘆きの壁・少数民族・レイシスト反対・被差別者・支配(=管理、公助、統率、統制、制御、コントロール)・巧妙なテクニック・ウラ世界・政治屋・政治のボス・自立する権利・真正民主主義体制・全体主義・上から目線・無力化・独裁国家・勤勉思想・強靭国家・分担作業〕
<政治体制>Political system>〔GCZ〕
◇それぞれの言葉の説明については、For an explanation of each word, please see Viewing.マイ語録・キーワード 検索メニュー

〔散文詩_8〕Prose poetry_8.
I am a Jewish youth.
From childhood to the present, I have learned in detail about dualistic Bible stories.
I'm now standing in front of the Wailing Wall and muttering.

By the way, we Jews are an ethnic minority in the world.
We Jews are developing the concept (= word) of "racist".
I think this is because the person to be discriminated against is identified (= distinguished, surfaced / exposed) by claiming "against racist".
In other words, when the discriminated people are manifested, we Jews can control them in the wrong side world (= management, public assistance, command, control, control, control). I'm thinking.
That is, I think this is a clever technique by us Jews.
I think this is the intention of the weak Jews to reign as rulers of the wrong side world.

◇参照 : ベーシックインカム病のフィクション汗は、ヒトを幸福にする。Basic income disease fiction sweat makes people happy.〔労作・幸福感満足感・親切心・霊長類としての立場・勤労思想・人類皆勤労思想・機会均等社会・安寧〕

By the way, self-serving politicians often speak the concept (= word) of "public assistance".
I think this is also because self-serving politicians (=Political bosses) can control those people who are eligible for public assistance by identifying them.
Those eligible for public assistance are deprived of their right to independence.
I think it's a self-serving politician's obedience.
I think this is going against the genuine democratic system.
In this way, the trend of "against racist" leads to totalitarianism, and I don't want to agree.

★政治屋は上から目線公助顔 弱者を量産無力化にして
The self-serving politician is the face of a public assistant "looking from above." Mass-produce the weak and neutralize it.
★政治ボス無力弱者の若芽摘む のた打ち回る独裁国家
Political bosses pick young shoots of the helpless and weak. The weak are fluttering around. Dictatorship.
★公助より勤勉思想で強靭国家 大人も小人も分担作業
Aim for a strong nation with a diligent ideology rather than public assistance. Adults and children share work.


〔【T】次頁へ続く〕Continue to next page.

 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDの政治体制は「大気ネットワークシステム」を基軸にして、真正民主主義体制を展開しています。
The political system of us GCZ ONE WORLD is developing a genuine democratic system based on the "atmospheric network system".
〔第1稿 2020.11.13〕

◇参照 : 【T】【U】〜グローバリズム……
◇参照 : T〜] 人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ

◇参照 : T人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ TGCZ Trialism Series that nurtures life.〔二元論聖書物語思想・悪弊(害毒)・過去の粗相・性善説人間・現実覚・二足歩行・支配者層・大気ネットワークシステム・上から目線・統率者・心身統一システム本能〕
◇参照 : じゃんけんぽん三元論プラチナ理論 Jankenpon Trialism Platinum theory.〔世界総合圏構想・抜本的な改廃・聖書物語関連思想・GCZ ONE WORLD〕
◇参照 : GCZ政治体制は、大気ネットワークを趣旨とする。GCZ political system aims at the atmospheric network.〔神経系ネットワーク・血管ネットワーク・大気密度・支配階級・政府機関・公僕・民主主義〕

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