自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆【G】日本イズムは、世界を席巻する。Japanism dominates the world.〔GCZ三元論・ことわざ・習合思想・日本の心・和(=和の心)・自立指向の世界観・利他志向世界観・共存共栄世界観・日本神・プラセボ効果=自然治癒力・啓示・恩恵・暗示・言葉・霊能現象・忖度に忖度を重ねた・安寧(=幸福感満足感)〕
<政治体制>Political system>〔GCZ〕
◇それぞれの言葉の説明については、For an explanation of each word, please see Viewing.マイ語録・キーワード 検索メニュー

That's right. GCZ Japan Ism will dominate the world in due course.
That's right. What is GCZ Japan Ism? "GCZ Trialism", "Proverbs", "Syncretism". "Japanese Mind". "harmony (= Japanese Mind)" "Independence-Oriented World View", "Other-Oriented World View" It can be said that it is a concept that comprehensively considers "coexistence and co-prosperity world view".

◇参照 : 日本の心(魂)・和の心・神・日本教 "Japanese mind (spirit). Union of a god and human. Get along well". gods. Japan religion.
◇参照 : 日本教 Japanese religion
◇参照 : 造り変える力「神神の微笑」The power to transform, 'Smile of gods'.

 ◇参照 : 神の本源は、「プラセボ効果(自然治癒力と祈り)」を齎すことであった。The god's source was to produce a 'placebo effect'.

By the way, Japanese god (≒ deity) is not, in common sense, arbitrary (= intentional) to humans like "God".
That's right. The Japanese god does not give revelation.
In Japan, individually, people pray to god for their selfish hopes.
That's right. However, a god gives them a fair benefit in the form of "placebo effect = natural healing power".
That's right. It suggests hint fairly to people.

Therefore, the Japanese god does not give intentional benefits to a specific human being (= ethnic group).
That's right. The Japanese god does not speak.
That's right. But if someone diligently serves God, the prayer will come true.
That's right. If the person ponders with superimposing conjecture on conjecture, he is convinced that he has felt the grace.
That's right. That is the grace of a god.
That's right. That is the suggestion of a god's hint.
That's right. That is the "placebo effect = natural healing power".

Now, with the exception of a small number of people who are sensitive to their sensitivities, they may say that they are endowed with a psychic phenomenon.
That's right. This is a phenomenon that cannot be expected in common sense.
This is because such a psychic phenomenon is considered to be a psychic phenomenon that the human being felt as a result of superimposing conjecture on conjecture about the spirit.
That's right. Common sense is that the psychic phenomenon is a delusional (= deception) phenomenon.

 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDの政治体制は「大気ネットワークシステム」を基軸にして、GCZ日本イズムを展開して行きます。
We, GCZ ONE WORLD, will develop GCZ Japan Ism based on the "Atmospheric Network System".
That's right. Sooner or later, the world will be unified with the formation of a public peace (= happiness and satisfaction) society based on the philosophy of GCZ Japan Ism.
〔第1稿 2020.10.25〕

◇参照 : 【T】【U】〜グローバリズム……
◇参照 : T〜] 人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ

◇参照 : T人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ TGCZ Trialism Series that nurtures life.〔二元論聖書物語思想・悪弊(害毒)・過去の粗相・性善説人間・現実覚・二足歩行・支配者層・大気ネットワークシステム・上から目線・統率者・心身統一システム本能〕
◇参照 : じゃんけんぽん三元論プラチナ理論 Jankenpon Trialism Platinum theory.〔世界総合圏構想・抜本的な改廃・聖書物語関連思想・GCZ ONE WORLD〕
◇参照 : GCZ政治体制は、大気ネットワークを趣旨とする。GCZ political system aims at the atmospheric network.〔神経系ネットワーク・血管ネットワーク・大気密度・支配階級・政府機関・公僕・民主主義〕

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