自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆【\】無限連鎖講に嵌る強欲追求病患者とは What is a greedy disease patient who fits into the endless chain investment scheme?.〔楽園・理想の世界・ネズミ講・メリット・暴力や無差別テロ・害悪グローバリズム・鼠算式・非強欲追求病人間・思い出・階層の無い・民主主義体制〕
<政治体制>Political system>〔GCZ〕
◇それぞれの言葉の説明については、For an explanation of each word, please see Viewing.マイ語録・キーワード 検索メニュー

That's right. The "ideal world (= Paradise)" endless chain investment scheme is never complete.
That's why it's an endless chain investment scheme.
That's right. The endless chain investment scheme is the pyramid scheme.

◇参照 : 【V】楽園の世界も無限連鎖講だ。The world of paradise is also an endless chain investment scheme.〔お花畑・生産活動・未来像ジグソーパズル・見せ金・黒幕連合・ユダヤ金融・勤労思想〕
◇参照 : \人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ\GCZ Trialism Series that nurtures life.〔フィクション・妄想的捏造的・非論理的非倫理的・闇暗の洞窟・聖書物語思想・ネズミ講・底なし泥沼の泥・無限連鎖講・マルチ商法・掴んだ藁片・人間欲・栄光の地上〕

That's right. If there is a pyramid scheme in the world, people will compete for its benefits.
That's right. As long as there is a rat lecture in this world, "violence and indiscriminate terrorism" = (harmful) globalism (Jewish thought / communist revolutionary thought) is rampant and confuses the world, and public peace (= happiness and satisfaction) in the world does not come.
The pyramid scheme gives birth to the pyramid scheme, and the child pyramid scheme gives birth to the child pyramid scheme again. The pyramid scheme proliferates in the world in a mathematical manner.
That's right. The merits of the pyramid scheme are monopolized only by the founders (= upper management, wire-pullers, thought leaders), and others are treated like sheep on the ranch.
That's right. The pyramid scheme society forms a multi-layered structure, and the democratic system is denied. This is not good.

Now, the pyramid scheme generally has the following aspects:
People (= humans who follow the dualism Bible story) become greedy pursuit disease patients when the dual standard (liar, hoax shop, fraudster, sly, Spy) disease derived from the dualism Bible story brainwashing campaign grows. And fit into the pyramid scheme.
Dualism Fundamentally evil, derived from the Bible story, is an alternative dualism method adopted to justify Irreconcilable thought.
Therefore, this method is trying to guide people deeply and deeply into the world of pyramid scheme by concluding that reality is "poor" and the future is "ideal world" (= pyramid schemee).

By the way, a "non-greedy pursuit human" is a human who has been cured of a greedy pursuit mission disease.

◇参照 : W】グローバリズムは、人非人ミッションだ。Globalism is a brute mission.〔強欲追求ミッション・折伏ミッション・信奉者・二元論聖書物語思想害毒グローバリズム・ハニトラミッション・強欲追求ネズミ講・鬼気難物ミッション〕>

That's right. A human being who is a "greedy pursuit sick person" will repeat harmful globalism (= violence and indiscriminate terrorism) forever as it is.
That's right. Every human being has the opportunity to reach reality (= placebo effect = awareness of natural healing power) at any time.
At that time, humans have the opportunity to remember acquaintances and friends from time to time.
That's right. If a "non-greedy pursuit patient" appears in the human beings of that memory, he will escape from the pyramid scheme, become a Fundamentally good human being, and transform into a happy and satisfying human being.
If the only person in that memory is a "greedy pursuit sick person," that person will continue to undergo harmful globalism indefinitely.
That's right. Then people will sneak deeper and deeper into the world of pyramid scheme poisonous globalism.

 そうです。私達 GCZ ONE WORLDの政治体制は、「大気ネットワークシステム」を基軸にして、階層の無い民主主義体制の実現を目指しています。(^_-)-☆
That's right. Our GCZ ONE WORLD political system aims to realize a democratic system without layers, based on the "atmospheric network system".
〔第3稿 2020.10.14〕

◇参照 : 【T】【U】〜グローバリズム……
◇参照 : T〜] 人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ

◇参照 : T人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ TGCZ Trialism Series that nurtures life.〔二元論聖書物語思想・悪弊(害毒)・過去の粗相・性善説人間・現実覚・二足歩行・支配者層・大気ネットワークシステム・上から目線・統率者・心身統一システム本能〕
◇参照 : じゃんけんぽん三元論プラチナ理論 Jankenpon Trialism Platinum theory.〔世界総合圏構想・抜本的な改廃・聖書物語関連思想・GCZ ONE WORLD〕
◇参照 : GCZ政治体制は、大気ネットワークを趣旨とする。GCZ political system aims at the atmospheric network.〔神経系ネットワーク・血管ネットワーク・大気密度・支配階級・政府機関・公僕・民主主義〕

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