自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆【T】グローバリズムを論破する。【T】Refute globalism.〔二元論聖書物語・二重基準人間・暴力・無差別テロ・信奉者・害毒グローバリズム・ネズミ講・無限連鎖講・錬金術・強欲追求・親切心・正義感・ユダヤ司祭・過去の栄光・北方白人系ユダヤ人・牧師擬き・デュープス・ヒエラルキー・バウムクーヘン・盲目的・非論理非倫理・抜本的な改革〕
<政治体制>Political system>〔GCZ〕
◇それぞれの言葉の説明については、For an explanation of each word, please see Viewing.マイ語録・キーワード 検索メニュー

As you can see, when the brainwashing campaign of the dualistic Bible story contaminates the conscience (= sense of justice), the human (= follower) becomes a double standard human.
And followers will soon use violence and indiscriminate terrorism. This is not a good thing at all.

◇参照 : 掴んだ藁は、錬金術の原料だ。The rice straw you grab is the raw material for alchemy.〔洗脳キャンペーン・ブラックホール・黒烏・黒幕・つむじ型モグラねじ回しシステム・ミッション・理性・強欲・暴力・無差別テロ・マネージ・副産物・せこい自己本位の世界観・利他志向の世界観・害毒なグローバリズム〕

That's right. Even so, why do followers aspire to such a gloomy and harmful globalism (= Jewish thought / communist revolutionary thought) political system? It is a non-human thinking level. not good.

Let's think about the above with an example.
The true nature of globalism is the Pyramid scheme (= infinite chain scheme).
The mud in the bottomless quagmire of the dark cave never goes away.
That's right. The mission of "pumping mud" is a mechanism that never completes.
That's right. Therefore, the mission of the followers is endless. It's the same as the Pyramid scheme. The Pyramid scheme is also infinite. In other words, alchemy can be rephrased as Pyramid scheme.
However, in the Dualism Bible Story Thought Mission, the followers are greedy, forcing them to succeed in alchemy (the pursuit of greed).

In other words, alchemy can be rephrased as Pyramid scheme.
Now, when it comes to "Wire-puller being bullied and having resentment and revenge," it's like a follower's appetite just by looking at a restaurant menu.
That's right. It's like having an appetite just by smelling spices.
Because it stimulates the kindness of the followers (= the desire to save).
That's right. It is to take the justice of the followers in the wrong direction.
That's right. It's not good because it's toying with the conscience of the followers.
That's right. It's a Wire-puller conspiracy. It is a pseudo honey trap.
As for the past glory (= heritage) of the Jewish priest, the Wire-puller hides it, even though the Wire-puller recognizes that it has become like a swanky beer because time has passed. doing.

Guessing about the above, it is a symptom of greed in northern white Jews.
Radical Northern white Jews are conspiring to: In order to fulfill their ambitions (= greed), they set up a rat lecture and recruit honey traps targeting their followers.

◇参照 : あなたが「過去を否定する」ことには、理由があります。There is a reason for you to 'deny the past'.〔ユダヤ思想・グローバリズム・共産主義思想・北方白人系ユダヤ人・二元論症候群・強欲病・被支配層・新秩序・覇者・全体主義者・新しい歴史・ユダヤ金融システム・思想指導者〕
◇参照 : ディープステート病患者の策略 Strategies for patients with Deep State disease lead Jewish ideas to bankruptcy.〔ユダヤ司祭・闇暗の洞窟・現実覚・聖書物語・プラセボ効果・生産活動・自立心・被害者意識根性・錬金術〕
◇参照 : ネズミ講 pyramid scheme
◇参照 : 〔ネズミ講〕\人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ\GCZ Trialism Series that nurtures life.〔フィクション・妄想的捏造的・非論理的非倫理的・闇暗の洞窟・聖書物語思想・ネズミ講・底なし泥沼の泥・無限連鎖講・マルチ商法・掴んだ藁片・人間欲・栄光の地上〕

That's right. Believers (= greedy pursuit human beings) play a part in the pyramid scheme campaign in search of the fulfillment of the delusional wealth (= greed pursuit) of the pyramid scheme (= alchemy).
That's right. Believers are the dupes of the Bible Story Thought System.
That's right. Believers dream of a pseudo-priest Dupes.
That's right. Believers are delusional that transforming their subordinates into sheep is the fruit(= results) of the Pyramid scheme.
That's right. As for the hierarchy separated by the lead plate (= wall of poison), the followers misunderstand (= taste it blindly) that it is the taste of Baumkuchen. That's Brute's thinking level.

The above can be summarized as follows.
The dualistic Bible story is an illogical and unethical idea, and if you believe it, you will become a greedy person and spend a wasteful life.
And the followers of dualism Bible story thought use violence and indiscriminate terrorism to confuse the world, kill people, and destroy justice.
 そうです。したがって、政治体制としての二元論聖書物語思想は、私達 GCZ ONE WORLDが提唱する政治体制には、合致しません。
That's right. Therefore, the dualism Bible story idea as a political system does not match the political system advocated by us GCZ ONE WORLD.
 そうです。私達 GCZ ONE WORLDは、二元論聖書物語思想の抜本的な改革を求めます。
That's right. We at GCZ ONE WORLD call for a radical reform of dualism Bible story thought.
 そうです。私達 GCZ ONE WORLDの政治体制は、「大気ネットワークシステム」を基軸とする、民主主義で、安寧な社会を目指しています。
That's right. Our GCZ ONE WORLD political system aims to be a democratic and public peaceful society based on the "atmospheric network system".
〔第1稿 2020.10.07〕

◇参照 : T〜] 人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ

◇参照 : T人生を育むGCZ三元論シリーズ TGCZ Trialism Series that nurtures life.〔二元論聖書物語思想・悪弊(害毒)・過去の粗相・性善説人間・現実覚・二足歩行・支配者層・大気ネットワークシステム・上から目線・統率者・心身統一システム本能〕
◇参照 : じゃんけんぽん三元論プラチナ理論 Jankenpon Trialism Platinum theory.〔世界総合圏構想・抜本的な改廃・聖書物語関連思想・GCZ ONE WORLD〕
◇参照 : GCZ政治体制は、大気ネットワークを趣旨とする。GCZ political system aims at the atmospheric network.〔神経系ネットワーク・血管ネットワーク・大気密度・支配階級・政府機関・公僕・民主主義〕

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