自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

GCZジグソーパズルは、快活な未来を約束する。The GCZ jigsaw puzzle promises a lively future.〔未来像マイジグソーパズル・先人の未来像・人生設計図・未来像ジグソーパズル・信奉者・害毒・理不尽・奇想天外・小心者・人非人・暗黒の世界・霊長類人間・性善説・絶対的な本性〕
<政治体制>Political system〔GCZ〕
 ご案内のように、GCZジグソーパズル(=未来像 マイジグソーパズル)は普通、先人の未来像 マイジグソーパズルをモデルにして、そのヒト自身の未来像 マイジグソーパズルが出来上がります。
As you can see, the GCZ Jigsaw Puzzle (=Future Image My Jigsaw Puzzle) is usually a model of the predecessor's future image My Jigsaw Puzzle, and the human image of the future image My Jigsaw Puzzle is completed.
 そうです。未来像 マイジグソーパズルとは、そのヒトの人生設計図です。
That's right. Future image My jigsaw puzzle is the blueprint of the human life.

On the other hand, I talked about the future image of jigsaw puzzles of people in the dualism Bible story.
That's right. People in dualism Bible stories (=followers) are generally more likely to prefer harm.
 これは、二元論聖書物語があまりにも、理不尽で奇想天外なフィクションだからです。 This is because the Biblical Bible story is too unreasonable and bizarre fiction.
Because they have been transformed into Sissy or Brute by the Dualism Bible Story Brainwash Campaign.
In this way, the deeper and deeper the people go about poisoning (=normality and non-justice), the more they become gloomy, and eventually they are dragged into the cave of darkness and become their inhabitants.
Therefore, the future vision of the people of the dualism Bible story jigsaw puzzle is vaguely finished. The future is a gloomy and dark world.

By the way, any creature grows and prospers, aiming for normality (=justice), depending on its type.
And it will evolve. That's right. We will grow towards a lively future.
In other words, this is the function of "placebo effect = natural healing power".
Even if you encounter an accident or other damage during growth, the placebo effect = natural healing power will allow you to grow again aiming for normalization.
This is the true nature of creatures such as primates. You will never become a person who likes poisons.
In other words, it is the absolute nature of human beings to grow while embodying Fundamentally good.

 私達 GCZ ONE WORLDは、性善説の立場での、政治体制を目指しています。(^^♪
We at GCZ ONE WORLD are aiming for a political system from a fundamentally good standpoint.
〔第1稿 2020.08.14〕

◇参照 : GCZ政治体制は、大気ネットワークを趣旨とする。GCZ political system aims at the atmospheric network.〔神経系ネットワーク・血管ネットワーク・大気密度・支配階級・政府機関・公僕・民主主義〕
◇参照 : ジグソーパズルは、勝ち目の無い、ゲームだ。Jigsaw puzzles are games without a win.〔夢や希望の実現・曼荼羅・涅槃図・人生設計・妄想の実現・スケルトン・有耶無耶・理路整然・実現不可能・何でもかんでも〕
◇参照 : デュープス お前もか Dupes you too.〔不倶戴天思想病棟・悠々自適・鏡のウラ・天敵・終末の自分・偽神・真の神・空いている桝・実現不可能なミッション・積極的なミッション・黒幕擬き〕

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