自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆ジグソーパズルは、勝ち目の無い、ゲームだ。Jigsaw puzzles are games without a win.〔夢や希望の実現・曼荼羅・涅槃図・人生設計・妄想の実現・スケルトン・有耶無耶・理路整然・実現不可能・何でもかんでも〕
<政治体制>Political system〔GCZ〕
In the so-called dualism religion (= thought), we have prepared a future image jigsaw puzzle (= realization of dreams and hopes).
 例 : 仏教では曼荼羅・涅槃図など
Example: In Buddhism, Mandala, Nirvana, etc.
People (= devotees) make their own life plans along the jigsaw puzzle of the future, and spend their limited lives meaningfully.

People are not allowed to deviate from the outline of the future jigsaw puzzle.
Also, the jigsaw puzzle of the future has an empty cell (= Piece), and the mission of people must fill the empty cell.
That's right. The mission (= realization of delusion) is designed in advance so that it cannot be completed.
Because if people could easily complete their mission, they would leave their religion.

That's right. However, in the first place, the future image of the dualism Bible story jigsaw puzzle is drawn like an oil pattern floating in the bottomless mud of a dark and dark cave, so the skeleton is obscure.
 そうです。有耶無耶で、せこい自己本位の世界観 stingy self-oriented world viewでの政治体制は、人々の大切な一生を台無しにしてしまいます。
That's right. A vague, stingy self-oriented world view political system ruins the precious life of people. 
That's right. Since the mission is to fill the empty basin, it is not possible to make a future-oriented jigsaw puzzle that is logically arranged.
It's also impossible to do because the mission of the Dualism Bible Story is decided to pump up the mud in a bottomless bog.
In short, the vision of the future of the Biblical Biblical Jigsaw puzzle is to be proactive in doing whatever it takes to fill an empty vacant space.
That's right. However, you should be careful because it is expected that your aggressiveness will increase and you will depend on your strength and violence (= terrorism).

That's right. The mission must be carried out within the framework of the future jigsaw puzzle (= the spirit of the thought and religion).
In other words, people are compelled to play "games without a win"
〔第2稿 2020.08.13〕

◇参照 : デュープス お前もか Dupes you too.〔不倶戴天思想病棟・悠々自適・鏡のウラ・天敵・終末の自分・偽神・真の神・空いている桝・実現不可能なミッション・積極的なミッション・黒幕擬き〕

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