自由への道 Road that branches to freedom
「パラダイムシフトへの道」Road to a paradigm shift

◆二元論聖書宗教圏では、バブルが弾ける。Dualism In the Bible religious zone, bubble burst open.
As you can see, the biblical biblical story is a "fiction" that was written by the Bible reporters, the Jewish priests (Rabbi), and has been rewritten many times, so there is a contradiction in logic.

So, the sympathizer who read this sometimes gets confused and sometimes weird.
By the education of the Bible disrupts the natural healing power (placebo effect) of people's brains and instills dissatisfaction with their emotions.

Before long, self-reflection, self-orture, the weak role, onion peeling, and brainwashing campaigns make people frustrate and explode.
Similarly,the bamboo shoots under the floor break through the floorboard.
Similarly, the intestinal bad gas expands and bursts.

The same goes for monetary policy.
This is because the financial sector is organized by a small number of occlusion Jews (darkness finance).



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