心道論アラカルト「聖典物語」Scripture story

◆21 真の植民地支配者 True colonial ruler 2019.04.03
I am thinking. In China, about 1 billion people are treated as “colonized (= people like colonial people)” by the habit of “family register system”. China has risen to the "World Economic Power" with the wealth it has gained.

People who are close to China, Self-proclaimed liberal activists, major mass media, left-wing party officials, etc. receive funding from senior Chinese party executives (estimated) and carry out sales activities (mobilization costs, advertising costs, party activity costs and entertainment expenses, etc.) .

That means that self-proclaimed liberal activists, major mass media, left-wing party executives, etc., have taken "unpaid income" gained by making people of [China] colonized, and use it for their living (management) .
They are the true [colonial rulers] of today.


These people are passing this self contradiction to the Japanese people (the ruling party) with sufficient knowledge of this.
They are clever ways.
They are the same as brute of a man, less than beasts, and evil beasts.

YouTube 再生リスト 日本人でも、物申すことがある。

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